In 2000, the internationally renowned jazz musician Johannes Barthelmes buys his first camera and from then on he begins to work intensively with photography. His subject is the human being. His passion belongs to street-, travel-, portrait- and nude photography.
“I’m not looking for spectacular shots full of immediately eye-catching effects, but i want to show with a silent touch what defines us people everywhere in the world”, so his credo.
His approach can be aptly described as “extempore” (Latin: out of the moment). Basically improvisations as he knows them from his musical life. Compositions from the impromptu and yet in terms of craftsmanship, design and content at a high level.
“As a jazz musician, the emotional and compositional aspects are essential for me. Also, improvising, anticipating and being able to make decisions quickly are things I know well from jazz music”
“I want viewers to share in my personal sympathy for the country I travel to and the people I meet there. Discovering how people organize their lifestyles, which are so different, how they deal with economic conditions, their needs and also real misery, makes me learn an enormous amount in all
my travels.”
“As a musician, I got around the world and it fascinated me that all the people I looked in the face were known, even familiar. It’s impressive, we all know each other….
As a photographer today, I experience this amazing story even more intensely and with respect, and despite my deliberately close images, at a loving distance from the people.”